S svojimi deli želim navdihniti in usmeriti gledalca k tistemu notranjemu Miru, ki je vedno prisoten, vedno tu ... če le utišamo hrup uma in prisluhnemo temu, kar je pod njim ...
Ko slikam, beležim svoje Vedenje o prepletenosti Narave in Človeka, medsebojni povezanosti vsega, kar je. Vsako platno je potovanje v novo pustolovščino. In prav tu tiči bistvo tega, zakaj tako rada slikam: vse je mogoče, platno je prostor brezmejne svobode. Tu se vsakič znova spomnim - IGRATI SE.
Ko slikam, beležim svoje Vedenje o prepletenosti Narave in Človeka, medsebojni povezanosti vsega, kar je. Vsako platno je potovanje v novo pustolovščino. In prav tu tiči bistvo tega, zakaj tako rada slikam: vse je mogoče, platno je prostor brezmejne svobode. Tu se vsakič znova spomnim - IGRATI SE.
With my works I wish to move, inspire and point to that inner Peace that is always present, always there ... if only we silence the mind and listen ...
When I paint, I capture my knowing about entanglement of Nature and Human, how everything, there Is, is connected. Each canvas is a journey into another adventure: and that is the main core of the reason why I love to paint. Everything is possible, canvas is a place of endless freedom. Here I remember - each time all over again - TO PLAY.
When I paint, I capture my knowing about entanglement of Nature and Human, how everything, there Is, is connected. Each canvas is a journey into another adventure: and that is the main core of the reason why I love to paint. Everything is possible, canvas is a place of endless freedom. Here I remember - each time all over again - TO PLAY.